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Meet Your Coach

Meet Your Coach

Hi, I’m Mahsheed Parsons. Since 2006, I’ve made millions as a real estate agent. I own brokerages in Las Vegas and Southern California and have consistently ranked in the top 1% of realtors in Vegas. I might know a thing or two about how you can make millions as a real estate agent too!

I didn’t come from a wealthy family or one involved in real estate. I wasn’t part of a team that provided leads. As an independent agent, I took the initiative to learn everything on my own. When I started in 2006, I lost everything and had to figure out how to make money as a real estate agent. It was either that or move back home with my mom. No one handed me my success. I learned how to create, manifest, and attract my dream clients, and now I'm going to teach YOU how to do the same and make millions so that you can achieve financial independence and never rely on anyone else for what you desire!

I will teach you the spiritual tools I used, the books I read, the intentions I set, and exactly what I did daily to acquire multi-million-dollar listings and earn millions a year as a real estate agent. If you dream of becoming a successful real estate agent and having your own luxury listings but don’t know where to start, you’ve come to the right place. I know exactly how that desire feels, and I know exactly how to help you achieve it! All you have to do is come prepared to put in the work, and you will see the results. I only work with serious agents who are ready to do what it takes to succeed. My coaching does not involve cold calling, door knocking, script reading, or any of that nonsense. This is about learning to tap into your own power and create your success.

Disclaimer: If you are NOT Spiritually aligned, my coaching is NOT for you. My program is meant to not only increase your Real Estate business but this is also personal development. The work you will be doing will change you as a whole! You will learn to use more of your potential and feel better internally and in turn manifest not ony the business of your dreams, but every other dream you have as well! NOW LETS GET STARTED!

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